Wavecrest College of Hospitality

Energizing Africa’s Workforce Together

Wavecrest College of Hospitality is the premier private monotechnic in Nigeria. It was fully accredited by the National Board for Technical Education in 2010 to offer a National Diploma and a Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management. Wavecrest College’s curriculum encompasses broad-based knowledge, skills specialization, entrepreneurship and commitment to work in sustainable projects. Graduates consistently find employment in the growing field of hospitality at operative or supervisory levels.

In the last 50 years Wavecrest College of Hospitality has consistently trained individuals and produced graduates who are in very high demand in the Hospitality Industry.  

100% of our graduates are decently employed within three months after graduation. About 40% become entrepreneurs while working and even employers of labor soon after graduation.   

Presently, hospitality education is a guarantee of employment in Nigeria. Wavecrest has been identified by the international community—African Union Development Agency (AUDA NEPAD)—and the government of Germany, KfW who have recognized our impact in society in terms of providing and improving education, employability and economic independence.

Wavecrest is a recipient of the Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) grant.


Construction of the WAVECREST (HSEDCE)

Wavecrest is currently building a center for growing its impact in Nigeria. It will be used for giving hospitality education and training that is world–class inclusive, sustainable, and focused on business development in a technology-enabled marketplace.

For more information, visit Wavecrest’s website.

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