Uzommiri Study Centre

Providing a holistic formation for undergraduates and young girls


Uzommiri Study Centre is located in the heart of Enugu State, close to Enugu State University and the Enugu campus of the University of Nigeria. The Centre’s activities provide undergraduate students with a holistic formation to complement their fields of study in the university. Most of the students who attend these activities come from underfunded public secondary schools and underperforming private schools, which do not teach the academic skills needed to excel and manage their time well in school.

The Centre’s programs are tailored to develop the talents, character and spirit of service of every student, and to prepare them to be responsible members of society. Programs also offer individual coaching, mentoring and leadership training and instil social responsibility through community service projects in suburban or rural areas.


Since its inception in 1980, Uzommiri Study Centre has operated from three different rented premises. It recently acquired a property closer to the university, which provides the undergraduates access to facilities like the library, study rooms and small classrooms, where they can attend to specialized course seminars. These are resources and facilities that government-owned universities lack. 

The Centre also offers activities for girls who are in secondary school. These extra-curricular activities, such as cooking, etiquette and arts and crafts, educate the students in virtue while enriching their skill sets. The staff partners with parents, who are the primary educators of their children, to reinforce the values which are fostered at home.


Uzommiri Study Centre needs donors to help expand and improve its programs. With the help of generous individuals, it will continue to serve the future leaders of Nigeria. 

Learn more on our Facebook page.

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PO Box 1670
New York, NY 10156-1670